Even if Jean-Noël Pancrazi does not appear as one of the most publicized authors, he still belongs to the category of undoubtedly talented contemporary French writers.
In his latest book , “The Mountain ” (Gallimard), Jean-Noël Pancrazi returns to his childhood in Algeria, peaceful until the advent of a drama that will mark the boy for life. “The Mountain”, eponymous title of his book, is the scene of this tragedy, an admired and beloved landscape that becomes a battleground in the late 50’s. At the crossroads of the author’s life paths, the little story joins the great.
Jean-Noël Pancrazi agrees to continue this genuine and introspective work, and for the first time, return with us to the Algerian land where he was born. This is the subject of this documentary, to portray this modest writer and gently untangle the knots of memory, enter the intimate sphere without voyeurism, understand restrained underlying emotion, involve and interact with the protagonists of his present life while leaving room for metaphorical style and lyrical musings…